Size relative
Date of Receipt
upload : 2012-10-27
jeaniana jeaniana 64,8 mm F+++/Gem > 100 Euro Petra Gschweng › betra88 03.10.2012 Australia (WA) › Shark Bay No data, Shark Bay is my estimation By diver under lagre rock. 2009 - jeaniana jeaniana 03
upload : 2012-11-28
edentula nahoonensis 24,55 mm Fine 5,00 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 South Africa › Eastern Cape (E) › East London Fine crabbed, glossy gone, STUNNING DARK PATTERN. Crabbed at 20m.January, 2012. - edentula nahoonensis 05
upload : 2013-04-14
broderipii broderipii 28 mm see descr. 88,00 Euro Alan D. Seccombe › cypraeaman 26.10.2012 South Africa › KwaZulu-Natal Natal Dead collected in sea cave in 37mm, representative - broderipii broderipii 05
saulae saulae 22,72 mm F+++/Gem 3,85 Euro Cillan Chan 26.10.2012 Philippines (Visayas) › Cebu Province › Bantayan Island Minor scar and inclusion. Diver 10-20m. September, 2012. - saulae saulae 14
chinensis chinensis 28 mm F+++ > 100 Euro Alan D. Seccombe › cypraeaman 11.10.2012 South Africa › KwaZulu-Natal 100m+ off Natal Deep water form. Just a small growth mark on the margin see photo. Very rare form seldom offered, from 100m+ off Natal, South Africa. Fantastic base colour, elongated (slightly rostrate). - chinensis chinensis 12
caurica elongata • 32,2 mm Gem 27,00 Euro Willy Van Damme › willykauri 07.10.2012 Madagascar › Ifaty Collected by local people. 2012. TOP SHELL !!! I see no flaws. Limited population of Ifaty, always distorted or overcast. Only a few are of good quality and extremely hard to get a GEM like this one with on top a fantastic color and super shiny. Bozetti described these specimens because the whole population is like this. - caurica elongata 03
bernardi bernardi 13,2 mm Gem- > 100 Euro Alexis Moisson › alexis-14 15.10.2012 Society Islands › Tahiti Beautiful and rare shell from deep water of Tahiti (-60 meters) Naria Bernardi ! LIVE COLLECTED ! GEM- 13,2 mm EXCEPTIONNAL DARK COLOR AND BULLA SHAPE - bernardi bernardi 03
englerti englerti 23,41 mm F+++/gem 11,00 Euro Mike Hart 07.10.2012 Easter Islands › Easter Island Collected on reef at low tide by local divers. June 2006. Slightly young and slightly dull base. SCARCE now. - englerti englerti 06
aurantium aurantium 82,21 mm F+++ 44,00 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Tawi-Tawi Island Nice freak, growth scars on dorsum and margin. - aurantium aurantium 10
histrio histrio 69,1 mm F+++/Gem 37,00 Euro Willy Van Damme › willykauri 07.10.2012 Madagascar › Tulear (Toliara) Collected by local people. BIG AND SUPER. I see no flaws. Could easily call GEM. Very big size shell with good pattern and very brown teeth. - histrio histrio 11
marginata marginata 57 mm n.a. 58,00 Euro David Keim › iwik2 29.10.2012 Australia (WA) › Fremantle A beautiful golden 57mm Cypraea marginata. Taken on a sponge, in cave, 15m of water off Freemantle, W. Australia in the early 1980s. - marginata marginata 21
miliaris miliaris 29,2 mm n.a. 0,00 Euro Pin Xi Sim › nafirel 27.10.2012 Singapore › Changi Taken at very low tide on muddy sand. Geschenk miliaris miliaris 21
pallida pallida • 25 mm F+++ 14,80 Euro Pin Xi Sim › nafirel 27.10.2012 Singapore › Bedok Jetty Sky Blue Pallida with nice dorsal blotch from pc. Endemic ,old collection. Taken at 1-2m. Dec 2001 - pallida pallida 05
carneola carneola 64,82 mm F+++ 7,69 Euro Cillan Chan 26.10.2012 Philippines (Visayas) › Bohol Province › Nocnocan Island UNCOMMON green overglaze for this species, growth scar on dorsum still nice. October, 2012 - carneola carneola 19
nucleus nucleus 24 mm Gem 3,08 Euro Cillan Chan 26.10.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula From fishermen. September, 2012 - nucleus nucleus 09
errones errones 32,6 mm F+++/Gem 29,23 Euro Cillan Chan 26.10.2012 Philippines (Visayas) › Cebu Province › Olango Island Nice form, slightly dull base still nice, very shiny. From fishermen. September, 2012 - errones errones 15
saulae saulae 24,67 mm F+++/Gem 3,85 Euro Cillan Chan 26.10.2012 Philippines (Visayas) › Cebu Province › Bantayan Island Overglazed. Minor scar and inclusion. Diver 10-20m. September, 2012. - saulae saulae 15
barclayi barclayi 27,91 mm F+++/gem > 100 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 South Africa › KwaZulu-Natal › Park Rynie RARE live taken. STUNNING specimen, very dark pattern, VERY RARE live taken, slightly dull teeth, just adult still A MUST. - barclayi barclayi 05
pantherina pantherina 51,9 mm Gem 36,00 Euro Willy Van Damme › willykauri 07.10.2012 Eritrea › Dahlak Archipelago Collected by local people. ERITREA DWARF. I see no flaws. Very small and very dark rusty colored specimen. - pantherina pantherina 17
isabella isabella 31,28 mm Gem 9,00 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 Philippines (Palawan) › Balabac Islands › Balabac Island UNUSUAL overglaze. AWESOME. From hookah divers. September, 2012 - isabella isabella 16
jeaniana jeaniana 68 mm F+++ > 100 Euro Alexis Moisson › alexis-14 15.10.2012 Australia (WA) › Shark Bay From Taiwanaises fishing boat. From old collection. stress line on the dorsum but very light. very rare color, dark base !Yellow canals, and DARK PATERN , very beautiful margins too !!! Beautiful shape ... - jeaniana jeaniana 04
mappa aliwalensis 69 mm F++/F+++ > 100 Euro Alan D. Seccombe › cypraeaman 11.10.2012 South Africa › KwaZulu-Natal › Park Rynie Rare subspecies from 35m in sea caves off Park Rynie, Natal, South Africa. Aliwal Shoals is now a marine reserve and collecting prohibited. 69mm, F++/+++ from my personal collection. - mappa aliwalensis 03
mappa mappa • 57,79 mm F+++/gem 6,00 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Tawi-Tawi Island Nice specimen, slightly dull base. - mappa mappa 27
marginata marginata • 58,62 mm F++/F+++ 58,00 Euro Mike Hart 07.10.2012 Australia (WA) › Fremantle › Carnac Island 10m on sponge on limestone ledges and caves. Growth scar on dorsum, very nice pattern. RARE now. - marginata marginata 19
mauritiana mauritiana 74 mm Gem dorsum 4,00 Euro Fabio Porfiri › cypshells 12.10.2012 India (Tamil Nadu) QUALITY CHIP IN NAT CANAL - mauritiana mauritiana 16
mauritiana mauritiana 79,5 mm F+++ 19,00 Euro Fabio Porfiri › cypshells 12.10.2012 Marquesas Islands › Nuku Hiva Island WHITE RED SPECIE! - mauritiana mauritiana 17
vitellus vitellus 58 mm F++/F+++ 65,00 Euro Fabio Porfiri › cypshells 12.10.2012 Somalia › Merca (Merka, Marka) UNIQUE!!! Old collection - vitellus vitellus 37
tessellata tessellata 39,5 mm F++/F+++ > 100 Euro Rene Sänger › greys2004 16.10.2012 Hawaiian Islands › Oahu Island Very beautiful luster. Gorgeous shell, very big size for the species, very fresh (2010). Very glossy, perfect base and extremities, despite a scar probably due to fish attack on the dorsum as shown on pictures, healed very nicely. - tessellata tessellata 04
talpa talpa 60,72 mm F+++/gem 11,00 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Caraga Region › Surigao Region Very slender, UNUSUAL, slightly dull base. From fishermen. September, 2012. - talpa talpa 11
stercoraria stercoraria 37,59 mm F+++ 24,00 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 Gabon Special dwarf. Very callus, nice CUTE dwarf, tiny inclusion. Dived, rocky shore. - stercoraria stercoraria 34
rosselli satiata 48,6 mm F+++/Gem > 100 Euro Willy Van Damme › willykauri 07.10.2012 Australia (WA) › Point Quobba Collected by scuba diver in sponge at 30 meter. 2010. ORANGE BASE. I see no important flaws. Very hard to get good ones !!! High quality satiata. Very hight pointy dorsum and nice orange on the base. Very hard to find this outstanding quality. - rosselli satiata 04
stercoraria stercoraria 56,34 mm F++ 17,00 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 Congo › Point Noire Red overglaze. Nice overglaze, incluiso and small crack lines on dorsum, still nice. Diver under rocks. - stercoraria stercoraria 33
upload : 2013-04-15
pellucens natalensis 22,01 mm F+++ 12,00 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 South Africa › KwaZulu-Natal › Richards Bay Dredged. Dark pattern, growth scar on dorsum. - pellucens natalensis 02
esontropia esontropia 15,06 mm F+++ 14,00 Euro Mike Hart 07.10.2012 La Reunion › St. Giles 5m in coral rubble. SCARCE now, slightly dull dorsum still nice. - esontropia esontropia 04
nucleus nucleus 18,06 mm Gem 6,00 Euro Cillan Chan 07.10.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula SUPERB, very granulate. From fishermen. September, 2012. - nucleus nucleus 08
pulchra pulchra 49 mm Not gem 15,80 Euro Thomas Honker 25.10.2012 Oman › Muscat (Muskat, Masqat) In finger coral at extreme low tide, snorkeling in shallow water, December of 2004. Not gem but extra dark specimen. There is a slight irregularity on the dorsum easier felt than seen. - pulchra pulchra 06