Size relative
Date of Receipt
teres teres 34,5 mm Gem 0,73 Euro J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells 05.10.2007 Philippines (Visayas) › Negros Island › Negros Oriental 8m, Skin Diving, HUGE size with clear and vivid brown blotches. Thick shell material. Smooth and glossy texture. GEM quality - teres teres 02
martini martini 14 mm Gem 3,69 Euro J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells 05.10.2007 Philippines (Visayas) › Cebu Province › Olango Island 40m, Trawling,Few spots on the dorsum and sides. Very smooth and glossy texture. Perfect beak. GEM quality - martini martini 02
mappa mappa 50,5 mm F+++ 3,87 Euro J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells 05.10.2007 Philippines (Visayas) › Negros Island › Negros Oriental 30m, Skin Diving, The smallest mappa we have in our inventory. Very clear mantle line pattern. Slightly elongated shape. Near GEM quality with no visible flaws. - mappa mappa 05
maculifera maculifera 33 mm F+++ 3,88 Euro J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells 05.10.2007 Philippines (Visayas) › Cebu Province › Olango Island 10m, Skin Diving, Very pronounced tiny white spots on the dorsum. Both lateral margins are projecting. F+++ quality because of few stress lines - maculifera maculifera 02
hungerfordi bealsi 32,5 mm F++ 9,50 Euro J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells 05.10.2007 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula › Aliguay Island 300m, Trwaling, UNCOMMON specimen. It shows two brown bands on the dorsum. Globose body structure. F++ quality because it is sub-adult but no visible flaws. * Thank you for your help Riccardo hungerfordi hungerfordi 03
guttata guttata 57 mm F+ 8,87 Euro J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells 05.10.2007 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula › Aliguay Island 200m, Trawling, Few cosmic spots on the dorsum. Smooth texture. RARE specimen. Juvenile specimen. F+ quality but no visible flaws - guttata guttata 02
cylindrica cylindrica 33 mm F+++ 1,94 Euro J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells 05.10.2007 Philippines (Visayas) › Negros Island › Negros Oriental 8m, Skin Diving, Extra LARGE size. Pronounced brown blotch. Smooth and glossy texture. Very close to GEM quality. Minimal stress lines on the dorsum - cylindrica cylindrica 02