Size relative
Date of Receipt
decipiens decipiens
decipiens decipiens 46,4 mm selected 64,00 Euro Guido T. Poppe › 16.01.2007 Australia (WA) › Broome Dived in 15 fathoms on sponge. Ex-coll. D. und M. Meyer. January 1985. - decipiens decipiens 01
decipiens decipiens 48 mm F+++ 26,59 Euro Shea T. O‘Neill › pacificnightdiver 25.02.2007 Australia (WA) › Broome Collected by diver on sponge - decipiens decipiens 02
decipiens decipiens 52,9 mm Gem 34,91 Euro Otto Borchert › bortektoo 15.12.2007 Australia (WA) › Broome (S) On sponges by pearl divers. 40ft. The auction is for a shell from Australia freshly arrived and a most lovely specimen its a Cypraea Decipiens the markings are clear great bits of gold peeking out.Part of the Zoila group. - decipiens decipiens 03
decipiens decipiens 54 mm - 32,01 Euro Randy L. Allamand › rallamand 28.03.2008 Australia (WA) › Broome Taken on sponge in pearl shell beds, 15m - decipiens decipiens 06
decipiens decipiens 52,9 mm - 32,01 Euro Randy L. Allamand › rallamand 28.03.2008 Australia (WA) › Broome Taken on sponge in pearl shell beds, 15m - decipiens decipiens 05
decipiens decipiens 51,1 mm - 32,01 Euro Randy L. Allamand › rallamand 28.03.2008 Australia (WA) › Broome Taken on sponge in pearl shell beds, 15m - decipiens decipiens 04
decipiens decipiens 49 mm n.a. 0,00 Euro Willy Van Damme › willykauri 20.12.2009 Australia (WA) › Broome By pearl scuba diver between 15 to 20 meters. Sep. 2009 Geschenk decipiens decipiens 07
decipiens decipiens 48 mm Gem 22,19 Euro Andreas Huhn › andreas091072 10.04.2010 Australia (WA) › Broome Wrong data-slip, location estimatet Hallo,ich biete Ihnen hier die Möglichkeit eine schöne und seltene Cypraea venusta zu erwerben!Die Schnecke ist ca.48,0mm groß und stammt von Coffin Island,Australien und wurde in ca.100m getaucht!Die Schale ist in einem vorzüglichen Zustand(GEM)!Wie auf den Bildern zu sehen ist,hat sie eine wunderschöne Farbe mit perfektem Glanz!Der Preis einer solchen Schnecke liegt üblich bei über 100,-€. Falscher Fundortzettel, wurde zudem als venusta verkauft. Der Verkäufer ist aber entschuldigt. Den Fundort hier habe ich angenommen. decipiens decipiens 08
decipiens decipiens 49,39 mm F+++/Gem 22,50 Euro Cillan Chan 23.04.2010 Australia (WA) › North West Cape › Exmouth Taken by scuba diver. Nice pattern, slightly dull base, natural growth line in dorsum * perhaps false location decipiens decipiens 09
decipiens decipiens 51,59 mm F+++/Gem 40,31 Euro Cillan Chan 21.06.2011 Australia (WA) › Broome Nice pattern, slightly dull base and dorsum, minor inclusion near anterior canal. - decipiens decipiens 10
decipiens decipiens 57,4 mm F+++ 82,23 Euro Hasan Kurtoglu › mayacim 26.02.2012 Australia (WA) › Broome No data, Broome is my estimation VERY LARGE SPECIMEN. RARE SIZE FOR DECIPIENS. DARK MARGINS AND DORSUM, EXCELLENT SHAPE. JUST A 1MM NACRE PROBLEM LOWER MARGIN, OTHERWISE PERFECT SHELL. GEM TERMINALS. - decipiens decipiens 11
decipiens decipiens 50,2 mm F+++/Gem 23,60 Euro Mike Hart 09.09.2012 Australia (WA) › Broome 80 Mile Beach South of Broome 30m on sponge by pearl divers, 80 Mile Beach South of Broome. Feb 2008. Dark pattern, AWESOME, growth scar on dorsum, slightly dull base still nice. - decipiens decipiens 12
decipiens decipiens 61,5 mm F++/Gem > 100 Euro Hasan Kurtoglu › mayacim 11.01.2013 Australia (WA) › Broome Collected by diver on sponge in 20-24m. WELL OVER THE 60mm TRESHOLD. ALWAYS EXTREMELY HARD TO GET SIZE. EXCELLENT SPECIMEN, ONLY SOME SILT INCLUSIONS ON THE BASE, UNIMPORTANT IN MY OPINION. WONDERFUL ADDITION TO THE SIZE SUITE! - decipiens decipiens 14
decipiens decipiens 49,66 mm F+++ 17,73 Euro Mike Hart 02.02.2013 Australia WA - North Dark pattern, slightly dull base, incluson on dorsum still nice ___DenGenauerenFundortNochEintragen decipiens decipiens 13
decipiens suprasinum
decipiens suprasinum 55 mm F++/Gem > 100 Euro Andrea Turchetti › t.and 03.03.2008 Australia (WA) › North West Cape › Exmouth Gulf Ultra rare from this locality - decipiens suprasinum 01
decipiens suprasinum 49,3 mm F+++/Gem > 100 Euro Hasan Kurtoglu › mayacim 11.01.2013 Australia (WA) › North West Cape › Exmouth Gulf From Kim Backs collection with his hand written name tag where the location is defined as Exmouth Gulf. Diver in 15-20m on sponge under rubble. A VERY NICE SPECIMEN DISPLAYING ALL FEATURES OF SUPRASINUM. IN ADDITION TO THAT THIS SPECİMEN HAS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE TEETH AND A PALE BASE, VERY CLEAR AND DISTINCT SPOTTING ON BOTH MARGINS. DEFINATELY A GREAT CONTRIBUTION TO ANY COLLECTION. - decipiens suprasinum 02