Size relative
Date of Receipt
teres alveolus
teres alveolus 28 mm selected 3,85 Euro Guido T. Poppe › 28.02.2007 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula › Aliguay Island From local fishermen. 2006 - teres alveolus 01
teres alveolus 26,2 mm - 2,00 Euro Guido T. Poppe › 05.03.2008 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula › Aliguay Island 60-120 m deep. 2003. - teres alveolus 02
teres alveolus 25 mm F++/Gem 1,81 Euro Eng Hiong Ng › sstdg 27.09.2009 Tanzania › Pemba Island Chumbani? Nice color and pattern * Maybe wrong location and thus maybe no alveolus teres alveolus 03
teres janae
teres janae 23 mm Gem 5,00 Euro Philippe Guillerm › 30.11.2007 Society Islands › Tahiti - - teres janae 01
teres janae 21 mm gem 15,00 Euro Felix Lorenz › 08.11.2010 Society Islands › Tahiti › Taiarapu Region Lagoon Shallow water under coral slabs. No. 479: Talostolida teres janae... ...€ 15 teres janae 02
teres teres
teres teres 33 mm F+++ 1,05 Euro Xavier Pallarols › xavishells 28.02.2007 Philippines (Visayas) › Bohol Province › Bohol Island Collected by diver at 5-15m deep. 2006 - teres teres 01
teres teres 34,5 mm Gem 0,73 Euro J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells 05.10.2007 Philippines (Visayas) › Negros Island › Negros Oriental 8m, Skin Diving, HUGE size with clear and vivid brown blotches. Thick shell material. Smooth and glossy texture. GEM quality - teres teres 02
teres teres 30 mm F++/F+++ 1,40 Euro Xavier Pallarols › xavishells 02.10.2008 Philippines (Visayas) › Bohol Province › Bohol Island Collected by diver, 5-15m deep. 2006 - teres teres 03
teres teres 18,6 mm Gem 10,00 Euro Felix Lorenz › 04.11.2009 Malaysia › Borneo › Sarawak › Kuching › River Next to wreck of Katori Maru, in rubble at 12-20 m. Interesting dwarf. Selfcollected. - teres teres 04
teres teres 33 mm n.a 11,06 Euro Cillan Chan 27.11.2009 Philippines (Palawan) › Balabac Islands › Balabac Island Green. November 2009 - teres teres 05
teres teres 30,3 mm n.a. 10,00 Euro Felix Lorenz › 08.11.2010 New Caledonia › Noumea By diver at 12 m. No. 474a: Talostolida teres teres... ...€ 10 teres teres 06
teres teres • 38 mm Gem 17,00 Euro Brian Hayes › ALGOABAY 25.11.2010 Egypt › Sinai Dived on reef at 10m. Gem. Superb example !! (AA) - teres teres 07
teres teres 36,7 mm F+++ 3,00 Euro Quynh Gick › schneckengirl74 06.12.2010 Vietnam › Ly Son Island 5-15m - teres teres 08
teres teres • 29 mm Gem 9,00 Euro Goncalo Rosa › 02.01.2012 Djibouti › Gaherre Under rocks at 1-2. mts. Coll. May 2004 - teres teres 09
teres teres 34,07 mm F+++/Gem 5,30 Euro Cillan Chan 26.01.2012 Philippines (Visayas) › Bohol Province › Nocnocan Island ARE rostrate for this species, healed small scar in margin. December, 2011. - teres teres 10
teres teres 22,17 mm F+++/Gem 3,15 Euro Cillan Chan 26.01.2012 Philippines (Palawan) › Culion Islands › Coron Island Nice dwarf specimen. CUTE, tiny sand inclusion. From hookah divers. October, 2011. - teres teres 11
teres teres 40,76 mm F+++/Gem 4,72 Euro Cillan Chan 19.03.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula RARE size over 40mm, growth scar on dorsum and margin still nice for study. From fishermen. March, 2012 - teres teres 12
teres teres 35,89 mm F+++/Gem 6,30 Euro Cillan Chan 18.04.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula Exceptional specimen with very dark surface, minor scar in margin, slightly dull upper dorsum still SUPER. From fishermen. March, 2012. - teres teres 13
teres teres 32,3 mm F+++/Gem 3,10 Euro Cillan Chan 18.04.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula dark dorsum with orange margin, growth scar in margin still nice. From fishermen. March, 2012. - teres teres 14
teres teres 40,09 mm F+++/Gem 6,30 Euro Cillan Chan 17.06.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula RARE size over 40mm now, healed small crack in base still nice. From fishermen. June, 2012. - teres teres 15
teres teres 23,27 mm F+++/Gem 4,70 Euro Mike Hart 17.06.2012 Samoan Islands › Western Samoa › Savaii › Vaisala Lagoon 1-2m under dead corral slabs. Healed sand inclusion on dorsum. April 2012 - teres teres 16
teres teres 19,02 mm Gem 20,00 Euro Cillan Chan 29.07.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula CUTE dwarf. From fishermen. July, 2012 - teres teres 17
teres teres 28,83 mm F+++ 4,62 Euro Cillan Chan 24.11.2012 Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula Nice overglaze, growth scar on dorsum still nice. From fishermen. November, 2012 - teres teres 18
teres teres 41,79 mm F+++/Gem 4,68 Euro Cillan Chan 30.03.2013 Philippines (Visayas) › Cebu Province › Olango Island RARE size over 40mm, minor scar and slightly dull dorsum still nice. From fishermen. March, 2013 - teres teres 19