J. Ross Mayhew
Canada ::: Ebay: orientshells


Cypraeidae Cypraea Talostolida teres teres

teres teres

34,5 mm


0,73 Euro

J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells


Philippines (Visayas) › Negros Island › Negros Oriental

8m, Skin Diving, HUGE size with clear and vivid brown blotches. Thick shell material. Smooth and glossy texture. GEM quality


teres teres 02

Cypraeidae Cypraea Ransoniella martini martini

martini martini

14 mm


3,69 Euro

J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells


Philippines (Visayas) › Cebu Province › Olango Island

40m, Trawling,Few spots on the dorsum and sides. Very smooth and glossy texture. Perfect beak. GEM quality


martini martini 02

Cypraeidae Cypraea Leporicypraea mappa mappa

mappa mappa

50,5 mm


3,87 Euro

J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells


Philippines (Visayas) › Negros Island › Negros Oriental

30m, Skin Diving, The smallest mappa we have in our inventory. Very clear mantle line pattern. Slightly elongated shape. Near GEM quality with no visible flaws.


mappa mappa 05

Cypraeidae Cypraea Mauritia maculifera maculifera

maculifera maculifera

33 mm


3,88 Euro

J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells


Philippines (Visayas) › Cebu Province › Olango Island

10m, Skin Diving, Very pronounced tiny white spots on the dorsum. Both lateral margins are projecting. F+++ quality because of few stress lines


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Cypraeidae Cypraea Contradusta hungerfordi bealsi

hungerfordi bealsi

32,5 mm


9,50 Euro

J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells


Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula › Aliguay Island

300m, Trwaling, UNCOMMON specimen. It shows two brown bands on the dorsum. Globose body structure. F++ quality because it is sub-adult but no visible flaws.

* Thank you for your help Riccardo

hungerfordi hungerfordi 03

Cypraeidae Cypraea Perisserosa guttata guttata

guttata guttata

57 mm


8,87 Euro

J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells


Philippines (Mindanao) › Zamboanga Peninsula › Aliguay Island

200m, Trawling, Few cosmic spots on the dorsum. Smooth texture. RARE specimen. Juvenile specimen. F+ quality but no visible flaws


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Cypraeidae Cypraea Erronea cylindrica cylindrica

cylindrica cylindrica

33 mm


1,94 Euro

J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells


Philippines (Visayas) › Negros Island › Negros Oriental

8m, Skin Diving, Extra LARGE size. Pronounced brown blotch. Smooth and glossy texture. Very close to GEM quality. Minimal stress lines on the dorsum


cylindrica cylindrica 02